I am convinced that there is an energy strata - a plane of consciousness that we all are sharing. Some more than others ponder and reflect on it.
I have had many meaningful experiences in my life that could have been considered coincidences. Often, to my thoughts and understandings, they were synchronistic with energy and vibrated with deep meaning. For instance: meeting somebody, having something kind of "click," and knowing that you are going to start doing something together that will become a major feature in your lives. Often in that very first meeting, the knowing that it is going to happen is right there before your eyes.
Other times I have had premonitions that something was going to happen, only to watch it come to pass. Living within time is a strange experience indeed!
But sometimes you can have the feeling that you are out of touch with that energy strata - that you are not in the flow. One has the experience of missing out. Perhaps the person sitting right next to you has the answers to your questions, but you are too distracted with issues to get the gift.
Spiritually being present in the moment is a good thing. It allows for you to be what I call being "in the river." When you are in the river, you feel as though there is an effortless journey unfolding. That you are being carried thru your spiritual progress.
It is when you choose to decide what path the river "should" take, things become difficult. Movement slows or stops entirely. Exertion increases. The experience is of struggle.
Sort of like swimming against a very powerful current.
Just to play devil's advocate here:
On the other hand, perhaps the desired destination is not in the direction the river is flowing. Going with the flow isn't always the best solution; a certain amount of struggling is almost guaranteed on the way to "somewhere" you wanna be.
The not anonymous, BD
I do agree with you that total submission to "the river" might not allow for personal choices of direction. One might as well fall asleep if the ego has no part in things. When you say desired destination, that implies a decision. To my mind, the struggle of the ego is on the one hand (personal desire to choose), verses life's energy that tries to corral our movements and visions. It is that duality that I am interested in, among other things.
For me it is a bit like determining a life vision (seldome done consciously by most) and a course to reach the destination.
Sometimes it's better to not just go the easy path; sometimes the winding or "counter"-path is a better choice for your own personal life.
Usually, IMHO, floating along in the river is easy, but to do that you relinquish personal choices (except to drift with everyone else) and personal responsibility (not my fault, it was the flow of the river that led me here).
I'm not sure where individualisation would then be.
However, sometimes drifting in the flow of the river can get you closer to your personal destination (if you have defined it, that is), but it can be dangerous to rely on and blame the river for where you end up.
One of my four concepts to live by: You may be able to avoid the decision, but you can't avoid the outcome (or consequences).
(/me waves at anonymous - nice to meet you.)
Thank you Gorthaur.
/me smiles
Interesting comment Sheridanne. I cannot help but think that both you and BD (Bob) believe that I am trying to discount personal choice. This was not my intention. What I am trying to allude to is being in touch with the source-flow of conscious energy while being present in the moment. For instance, to fight against the intuitive knowledge is to fight the river.
Thanks so much for both your comments. I shall revisit this concept.
In reading the comments of the others on your post, I am struck by their interpretation. For me, I instead sensed the struggle was in not following one's own bliss knowingly. How often do we try to take a path knowing--perhaps at a gut level that it's not right. We then find ourselves carried along by tradition, misguided honor, or fear. Is this not a call and reminder to "know thyself"?
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